Unknown Creature Washes Ashore in Crater Lake, OR. 
   On an average day in August, likely the 3rd or 4th, 1973, a mother and her three children were vacationing around Crater Lake, OR, for the first time in years, due to an inheritance from a recently passed uncle. While the children were playing, the mother, a Mrs. Beatrice Allen from Grant’s Pass, OR, was strolling along the shore and stumbled upon a mass of unidentifiable flesh rotting in the sun. She described it as having a foul odor and the consistency of jello when poked with a nearby twig. Local park rangers were called to the scene and no one was able to identify the “globster”...

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Strange Metal Alloy Protruding From Troutdale, OR Oak Tree.
    In 2019, Troutdale, OR, a place traditionally known for abnormally large hairy bipedal hominids and abnormally delicious pulled pork sandwiches from Sugarpine Drive-In, has fallen prey to a new paranormal phenomenon where unique and unidentified metal alloys “grow” and protrude from a specific northwestern oak, Quercus Garryana. 
    Scientists have analyzed shavings of the metal and determined that it contains many micro layers of alloys manipulated on an atomic level. This may point to an extraterrestrial origin...

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